Sunday, September 18, 2011


We got out of the car park ok, and then headed back to see our host at the farm. We got home rather late - and some exercise in his exercise room (well just some roller situps) and we to a local downtown pub for dinner. The strange thing about this pub was it was all cold food. So we had an array of cold meat, bread, grated horseradish, and a salad roll. We had some weird apple drink with it too - like mineral water - just apple.

We then tasted some wine from his winery which was very nice - (they only make 500 bottles a year!) so they spared a taste for us which was nice of him. We then went to bed - day of Vienna. The next morning was leave morning, but firstly we had breakfast and while doing that we were speaking to Herman's mother (the one with no English at all). We spent maybe 3 hours trying to talk to her - with the aid of a dictionary, my computer with some helpful lonely planet guide language, and lots of actions. It was a really good experience, she was nice, helpful and we asked and talked about things such as speeding fines, food, coffee, if we have kids, family, etc etc. We learned alot cause we couldn't just skip to english to explain ourselves. We left her - saying our best goodbyes in german, and headed off to our next destination - linz - where we are currently. The countryside of austria in the east is quite flat and open - very similar to the countryside in eastern germany - surprise surprise.

I will update this again later - but for now, in Linz - Austria!

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