We left early in the morning to go to germany (the airport there is closer and cheaper than the Amsterdam airport. We got up at 4:30 to leave at 7:00 and rolled through the check in process quite easy. I accidentally left my wallet in the car after we couldn't read the signs at the airport and bailed early, so after a quick phone call, funky dropped it off, and all was good. So quick and smooth flight by ryan
Air and getting off the plane in Italy we realised that we knew none – or very little Italian – not even how to ask if they spoke English… which was very awkward. So we somehow found the bus station, the bus driver didn’t speak English and just waved us onto the bus. So free bus ride for us.. We got off and then went searching for the train station, asking a few people for directions by just saying “station” “train” cursing our ignorance of not at least getting the basics before we left. But we found it easy enough, and got a ticket easy enough, and boarded our train to olbia. (the north eastern side of Sardinia)kept falling asleep on the train due to our early morning and countless restless nights. We got a message from Tim to meet us at the docks which was a short walk from the station. So getting onto the boat – and I would be lying if I wasn’t disappointed that the yacht wasn’t bigger – but it has turned out to be fine. Anyway, we motored(term for using the motor – not going fast) to the marina, had a shower at the marina in the dark lol and then went to sleep. The area down below in the yacht is almost like a caravan, small, compact but still fine. The next few days had been – well – sailing. Learning boat terms, talking at night to Gale(another person that is on the boat) and Tim (the owner – 67 years old) which has been a load of fun. We followed the east coast under very little wind which made the progress very slow, but spending time in the nice sun was excellent, especially after the time we have had in cold Holland. We arrived in Port Madalena latish, docked and showered in the boat – very very small shower – but hot water and soap makes a shower doesn’t it – and both of those items got ticks. The next day we were hoping for wind – but got none. So we lazed it on the boat – I found a book that I started reading and spent a nice afternoon soaking up some relaxation tickets. We anchored that night next to this little island, the blue water that I know that you know the colour, and rowed ashore in a kayak and had a little explore.
We had tea anchored off this little island(see left) and watched an amazing sunset with clear blue water with a glasslike surface (not river glasslike, but still pretty good). Alas, in the morning we were rudely awoken to a ‘bang, bang, bang on the hull…. Almost sounded like we had run aground, I could only stand it for a few seconds so I quickly donned a jacket and climbed the rickety stairs – the ones that creak and goan if you put too much weight on one foot when you climb up it) and stepped out on deck. The sky was still dark but there was enough light from the moon to make out that we had been banging against a bouy… the boat had swung around the anchor and reached the bouy which we thought that we were far enough away from. Anyway – long story short, we left straight away for the port of corcica. (france) Corcia is flooded with history. I am running out of time while I write this, but on the way into the harbour – there was barricades and major entrenchments, huge walls and cliffs that would make anyone think twice about attacking it. They still did though. If you care about history – go read about it, very interesting. – Let’s not forget Napoleon ;-) Anyway, we toured/walked around the town and saw really cool tourist stuff… lol I’m being serious, it was very cool, huge barricades, massive cliffs, fench food – my year 8 french lessons have proved invaluable. We learnt a little more on the boat to help us out with ordering. Not going to make the same mistake twice J So I bought a few souvenirs and went back to the boat – going on the internet I found out that the baw baw guys had won(yay) which is great news, also the boxmeer guys had won, and also that my suspension was indeed 2 games. Which I think is the biggest crock of all time, and also, the communication channels here are just pitiful. (there is more to this, but I needn’t go into it.) So I left to go back to the boat, not feeling in the best spirits. We were scheduled to leave to go for a night sail. From france back to Italy. We got back here at about 12:20 – 4 hours of night sailing. We all took 30 min watches (for steering). Night sailing is so much harder then day sailing. That is all. Anyway, we slept in, and for the next day (today) we had strong winds in the bay, basically we just did 4 hours around the islands and then back here.
The wind was hooking, so the boat lent over, we got wet, but it was so much fun. Sun was out, wind was strong, and we were thoroughly enjoying it. Have a few videos that I can put onto someone’s webspace if they can email with a password or something. (Julie – your internet, how big is the webspace?) iinet is too small. Anyway, we have arrived back after our rough but fun day and everyone is pretty stuffed. Tomorrow we go back to Olbia, probably going out to celebrate tarks’s birthday (which is friday) and then we will split up. I am going to France, and mark is going back to Holland to play hockey on Saturday. Dunno where I am staying yet though. I am meeting up with the Traf High guys and I am excited about seeing Nat and Laura. Oh – and the students…. Lol. Things are nice and peaceful at the moment, and I’m not really looking at going back to Boxmeer. Don’t know if I would like to live on a boat for an indefinite amount of time, but certainly I could do it for a little bit. Anyway, I will post some photos later of the boating. Very fun. Hope everyone is doing well,
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