So at this moment I am back in boxmeer - It is nice to be back here. But I will continue where I left off, the lake feeding ducks (see picture below in the last post) and me and Tarks went for a walk around the lake. We played a game where you would say hello to the person that is coming past you (in whichever language you wish) and if you get a response(verbal) then you would get a point. - Best out of ten. Well, I smashed mark 5/8 to 1/8. He conceded with 2 to go. Europeans aren't the friendliest bunch. But when you get to know them they are very friendly... So we went back to the car, and onward to Zurich we went. We got a little lost trying to find Peter's house, (there is 2 different streets with the same name) who would have thought... (Tip for anyone else - PUT THE SUBURB IN - not queen street "melbourne" queen street hawthorn.. that would have saved us a fair bit of time. Anyway - we threw balls around outside his "house" until we got in contact with him and he told us he was indeed outside his house... lol.
Staying at Peter and Thomas's house was amazing. The welcome we got - sipping red wine - they cooked us food when we arrived, chatted till about 1am about random things, we got to stay in an apartment right next door (as in they had 2 apartments and we got to stay in one). It was so nice to stay there. He showed us places to go around Zurich, the museum was cool, and he took us out on his boat one day also which was AWESOME. I don't know what it is about boating, or cause I haven't been on a speedboat for a fair while, but I was loving it. Sure it wasn't sunny and 34 degrees on the murray, but it was comparable. (mountains, lake, clear water 26 degrees). That night we went to have chinese food in Zurich which was so nice also. Those guys were so nice, just shows that while we got some "hostility" from outside (the European front I'm going to call it now) there is some extremely nice people inside. We also hired bikes - rode around Zurich - got tooted a few times for cutting off traffic also. One night that we were there (and this post is a little all over the place) we had a BBQ out on their terrace/balcony overlooking the lake. The food was amazing, we had chicken, swiss sausages, vegies on the BBQ - nothing like our BBQ's at home with just snags and burgers. :-)
We wished we could have stayed a few more days with them, (just a note about couchsurfing - we have had the two best experiences in a row by staying with people and meeting the locals. I hope it will continue) but we had to get back to Boxmeer for our end of season trip. So we expressed it back through 6 countries in 7 hours from Switzerland to Holland. Sorry this post has not been as comprehensive, but it is enough. We got home pretty exhausted - holidaying seems to be taking it toll - and I don't understand how. I suppose walking around all day seeing things is hard.... sounds stupid. But we are all looking forward to a week of sleeping in.
Finally - after 27 years and 361 days I get to sit in a bobsled. It wasn't moving, but it's a start! |
Zurich from the top of the church. |
All around Zurich they had these little rat dogs.... (I'm sure I offended someone then, but come on, the real dog is in the picture there) |
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