Thursday, June 2, 2011

An event filled 2 weeks

Well... when we got back from Luxembourg not much has gone on, have worked moving bricks - I got to drive a forklift - I don't know why you need a license to drive those things - it's easy...., moved big plaster boards, and digging holes. Nothing bad about digging a hole for a day or two and earning some money. We painted yesterday and the day before (painted bricks on the inside of a gym). The last week or so hasn't been very fun really. - Activity wise has been fine. Another note on the size of the pile of bricks that we moved. only about 2m high by 5m by 5m... yes, my arms were sore.

Max went missing last Wednesday after jumping the fence for 7 days! Seven! the story was as follows. There was some fireworks at the showgrounds near my parents house and buddy and max went for a run somewhere after jumping the fence. Why buddy wasn't tied up I don't know, maybe she isn't the escaping style... ;-) But the feeling of helplessness that you can't look for your dog isn't very fun, but all is well that ends well, she came back yesterday morning dutch time, which was the best news of all time. So the news from down here has been hockey wise - we lost our last game 4-2 against the bottom team. Great.... Again there were 3-4 people that came home at 4-5am and they played accordingly. Add to that the complacency factor of playing the bottom team, and they just kept hitting goals in. (oh and we had 3 players sent off - we had 8 at one point, but I wasn't one of those sent off).

The new news that we have is that our first section of road tripping starts today, we were supposed to leave at 7.30 but we are now on the internet still at 9.40.. but it's ok, we are on holidays so it doesn't matter. We have our car packed to the brim, cause we are driving halfway across Europe. First destination is is Sneek (a town in the north of holland) which is a nice place for sailing so I am told. So we are staying at elco's house (CS) for a few days and then we are going to slovenia. Why slovenia. Well we have been offered a "job" playing hockey in slovenia for a slovenian team to play in the euro hockey league finals. Yep... weird, but with an all expenses paid trip, including our fuel to get there, we will take it. Woop. We all don't know anything about Slovenia, except for the fact that it is 1300kms away from Holland.

Anyway, I best be off, We have a big few weeks in front of us, I don't know how my internet access will be, (great sentence there) but I might be away for quite a while.

Later chaps.


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