Monday, October 31, 2011


We started yesterday (30th) earliness - with a little scare about daylight savings - luckily it was good for us and we gained an hour.

Heading off to a the Hurling Finals in Dublin, unfortunately we didn't get to watch a game at Croke Park but instead we went to the smaller concrete park 'Parnell Park' It was a long drive to the game (about 2.30 minutes) the boys got home late last night so I drove - much much easier to drive during the day.
Our first impressions of Hurling were that is was crazy with people throwing sticks and bodies around everywhere, but eventually it became less aggressive and almost boring with just the game to watch! The game was very interesting to see though, and I'm glad that we extended our stay by 2 days - I got to play soccer for a team there, and we got to see hurling.

That was pretty much our day. We saw two games of hurling, and then we drove home (getting home late at about 9pm) watched some tv, and went to bed after saying goodbye to John our host as he had to get up to go to work at 6am.

The next day (today the 1st, so I will have to write in the current tense) we went to the shipyard and pretty much breezed through customs - no passport checks or anything, I assume we will meet them on the other side. Hopefully we don't get a hard time coming out - cause it is just plain annoying. The ship again has wifi - but for some reason it doesn't want to load my email or skype very well. It is getting quite rough on this boat at the moment as the weather isn't so good, but it just adds to the fun.

Until later - and hello Scotland.

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